This is where screw extractors come into play.

Instructions (How To Remove A Damaged Screw) Step-1: Drill A Pilot Hole And if it is too small, then the required torque for larger bolts and screws could cause the extractor to break. This will damage the threads that are holding the bolt or screw. If it is too large, then it will not leave enough metal to hold the extractor properly. Using the proper size extractor is vital. If you are not equipped with a T-handle, you can use locking pliers instead to turn a screw extractor. A variety of extractor sizes can fit into T-handles, and many types are also compatible with taps for threading holes. The handle is named after its shape, and it fits over the end of an extractor bit. When using a screw accessory, a T-handle can be a handy accessory. Now, turning the extractor counterclockwise will enable it to dig into the damaged screw more and more, which will cause the damaged screw to back out. The end is sharply tapered, which enables the extractor to dig into the damaged screw tighter and deeper as the extractor is turned on. Their design allows them to screw backward (counterclockwise) into the bolt or screw head after a pilot hole has been drilled first. The tapered threads are located at the business end of the extractor.

You can also use locking pliers to grip and turn the head of the tool. The square head can fit into a T-handle which is used to turn the extractor. The screw extractor is a high-strength steel shaft, one end of which has a square head, and the other end is reverse tapered cutting screw threads. You can use them on all kinds of screws and many bolts. Screw extractors are available in various sizes for screws of diameters that range from 3/32 inch to up to ½ inch. To get you out of this dilemma and your screw out of the hole, this little accessory called the screw extractor comes to the rescue. The damage can happen to the extent that it becomes almost impossible to get a good grip on it with the tool. The head of the bolt or screw can get really damaged by a few slips of the wrench or screwdriver. This typically happens if you use a tool with a size that is not meant for the screw or the screw or bolt is rusted in place. If the slots on the head of the bolt or screw have become damaged from your efforts to remove the fastener, then removing this screw or bolt will become difficult and frustrating.